This year, once again, FOGO Charcoal had the great honor of being asked by Home Depot to participate in the Memphis In May BBQ Competition, aka The Superbowl of Swine. This is one of, if not the largest BBQ Competitions anywhere. We were set up in the Home Depot Outdoor Kitchen area where we cooked up some fantastic treats, served the crowds and entertained folks all week long.
It takes a dream team to be able to pull off what we did and that’s what we did. Everyone brought their A game and Team FOGO really showed Memphis what we can do. Heck, even Mr. FOGO himself, Sebastian got in on the act by decorating the grill with grapes and veggies and helping to grill deliciousness all week long.

We loaded up the new FOGO van to the brim with charcoal, gear and a Weber Rancher Kettle custom fitted with an asador cage that we built from Home Depot rebar. Captain Ron and his better half Lynn, set off from South Florida for the 16 hour drive up there. Thankfully, they, along with the van and precious cargo all made it to Memphis in one piece. When they arrived at the Air BNB , it was a whole other story. Let’s just say that we got an immediate refund and booked a much nicer place to stay.
Our plan was to hang fruits, vegetables and meat, lots and lots of meat from the cage to cook over that delicious FOGO Charcoal and that is exactly what we did. The meats were whole NY Strip Loin primals that we hung from the cage using stainless hooks and let the smoke hit it for hours. Throughout the day, Ron would slice a steak off, hit it with some more FOGO Rub and sear it over the hot charcoal. We also served up plenty of sausage that they picked up from Striplings General Store in Georgia on the way up. Their jalapeno/cheddar sausage is what dreams are made of and the crowds loved them.
Over in the Home Depot Outdoor Kitchen Area is where all of the samples were handed out and where all of the cooking demonstrations were held. It was a virtual who’s who of Influencers, BBQ Champs and Chef’s share their knowledge. We were proud to have Tuffy Stone, a man who has won Grand Champion in nearly every major BBQ competition that there is represent us on stage as well as our own Captain Ron, master of the Big Green Egg, influencer and FOGO Charcoal lover. They both knocked it out of the park, and we thank them both very much.
I could go on and on but if you really want to get the fell of the MIM experience, click the link to the video and check it out for yourself. Ron interviewed some of the winners, spoke with influencers and had an all-around great time, just like all of us did. If you have never been out to one, get your tickets to next years MIM. We hope to see you there! Until then, get out and grill and we will see you the next time you’re at MIM on The FOGO Life. Captain Ron…..OUT!
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